Un bel post in cui l’autore rivela alcuni dei suoi “peccati” da programmatore del passato

Alone on a Friday night, in need of some inspiration, you decide to relive some of your past programming conquests.

The old archive hard drive slowly spins up, and the source code of the glory days scrolls by…

Oh no. This is not at all what you expected. Were things really this bad? Why did no one tell you? Why were you like this? Is it even possible to have that many gotos in a single function? You quickly close the project. For a brief second, you consider deleting it and scrubbing the hard drive.

Interessante come spesso questi “orrori” siano legati alla moda del momento, che sia la programmazione a oggetti, o la “damnatio memoriae” delle variabili globali, o le nuove e progressive sorti del data binding…

Non mancano neanche diversi consigli imparati “sul campo”, tipo su come scrivere commenti, o come chiamare variabili, funzioni e così via.

Bella lettura!
